1949 Triumph 2000 Roadster | Car restoration

1949 Triumph 2000 Roadster | Car restoration
The 1949 Triumph 2000 Roadster is a British antique roadster that was made by Triumph. Were produced in war era middle to late of the 40s, this is a final model year of the Triumph Roadster released in 1949. It original handmade car with aluminium material fitted with a 2088 cc Vanguard engine, transmission, and rear axle. Well-known as the 2000 Triumph Roadster, only about 2000 units being made.

1949 Triumph 2000 Roadster | Car restoration - 11949 Triumph 2000 Roadster | Car restoration - 21949 Triumph 2000 Roadster | Car restoration - 31949 Triumph 2000 Roadster | Car restoration - 4

By Owner : MUST SELL This is a Hand Built all aluminium factory body car, This is a 5 passenger car, 3 in front 2 in rumble seat with its own windscreen! These airplane craftsmen were commissioned to build these cars with left over airplane aluminium after the war. There were 2000 Triumph 2000s made. Only a handful still in existence. Engine and trans redone. A true rare find!!

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