1965 Ford Anglia 1200 | Car Restoration

1965 Ford Anglia 1200 | Car Restoration
The 1965 Ford Anglia 1200 is a version of the 105E Ford Anglia which came with the improved all sync. 4 speed gearbox and the larger 50HP 1200 engine. Complete car with good glass. The Ford Anglia 1200 engine is apart and needs to be rebuilt.

If you want a larger and stronger 5 main bearing 1500, or a 1600 XFlow engine,I have them. Also Cortina disc. brake struts to do a much needed brake conversion for fast driving. 1965 Ford Anglia 1200 are a nice charming ride. Their unusual design always attracts interest and approval. Now they're getting hard to find. Also have some MK 2 Cortinas for sale and lots of Cortina parts. Ph five 1 zero six five 8 four 2 six 8.

1965 Ford Anglia 1200 | Car Restoration - 11965 Ford Anglia 1200 | Car Restoration - 21965 Ford Anglia 1200 | Car Restoration - 31965 Ford Anglia 1200 | Car Restoration - 41965 Ford Anglia 1200 | Car Restoration - 51965 Ford Anglia 1200 | Car Restoration - 6

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